Produkt zum Begriff Software-Quality-Future-Perspectives:
Economics of Software Quality, The
“Whether consulting, working on projects, or teaching, whenever I need credible, detailed, relevant metrics and insights into the current capabilities and performance of the software engineering profession, I always turn first to Capers Jones’ work. In this important new book, he and Olivier Bonsignour make the hard-headed, bottom-line, economic case, with facts and data, about why software quality is so important. I know I’ll turn to this excellent reference again and again.” —Rex Black, President, RBCS Poor quality continues to bedevil large-scale development projects, but few software leaders and practitioners know how to measure quality, select quality best practices, or cost-justify their usage. In The Economics of Software Quality, leading software quality experts Capers Jones and Olivier Bonsignour show how to systematically measure the economic impact of quality and how to use this information to deliver far more business value. Using empirical data from hundreds of software organizations, Jones and Bonsignour show how integrated inspection, structural quality measurement, static analysis, and testing can achieve defect removal rates exceeding 95 percent. They offer innovative guidance for predicting and measuring defects and quality; choosing defect prevention, pre-test defect removal, and testing methods; and optimizing post-release defect reporting and repair. This book will help you Move beyond functional quality to quantify non-functional and structural quality Prove that improved software quality translates into strongly positive ROI and greatly reduced TCO Drive better results from current investments in Quality Assurance and Testing Use quality improvement techniques to stay on schedule and on budget Avoid “hazardous” metrics that lead to poor decisions
Preis: 36.37 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Developer Testing: Building Quality into Software
How do successful agile teams deliver bug-free, maintainable software—iteration after iteration? The answer is: By seamlessly combining development and testing. On such teams, the developers write testable code that enables them to verify it using various types of automated tests. This approach keeps regressions at bay and prevents “testing crunches”—which otherwise may occur near the end of an iteration—from ever happening. Writing testable code, however, is often difficult, because it requires knowledge and skills that cut across multiple disciplines. In Developer Testing, leading test expert and mentor Alexander Tarlinder presents concise, focused guidance for making new and legacy code far more testable. Tarlinder helps you answer questions like: When have I tested this enough? How many tests do I need to write? What should my tests verify? You’ll learn how to design for testability and utilize techniques like refactoring, dependency breaking, unit testing, data-driven testing, and test-driven development to achieve the highest possible confidence in your software. Through practical examples in Java, C#, Groovy, and Ruby, you’ll discover what works—and what doesn’t. You can quickly begin using Tarlinder’s technology-agnostic insights with most languages and toolsets while not getting buried in specialist details. The author helps you adapt your current programming style for testability, make a testing mindset “second nature,” improve your code, and enrich your day-to-day experience as a software professional. With this guide, you will Understand the discipline and vocabulary of testing from the developer’s standpointBase developer tests on well-established testing techniques and best practicesRecognize code constructs that impact testabilityEffectively name, organize, and execute unit testsMaster the essentials of classic and “mockist-style” TDDLeverage test doubles with or without mocking frameworksCapture the benefits of programming by contract, even without runtime support for contractsTake control of dependencies between classes, components, layers, and tiersHandle combinatorial explosions of test cases, or scenarios requiring many similar testsManage code duplication when it can’t be eliminatedActively maintain and improve your test suitesPerform more advanced tests at the integration, system, and end-to-end levelsDevelop an understanding for how the organizational context influences quality assuranceEstablish well-balanced and effective testing strategies suitable for agile teams
Preis: 32.09 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Software Systems Architecture: Working with Stakeholders Using Viewpoints and Perspectives
Software Systems Architecture, Second Edition is a highly regarded, practitioner-oriented guide to designing and implementing effective architectures for information systems. It is both a readily accessible introduction to software architecture and an invaluable handbook of well-established best practices. With this book you will learn how to Design and communicate an architecture that reflects and balances the different needs of its stakeholders Focus on architecturally significant aspects of design, including frequently overlooked areas such as performance, resilience, and location Use scenarios and patterns to drive the creation and validation of your architecture Document your architecture as a set of related views Reflecting new standards and developments in the field, this new edition extends and updates much of the content, and Adds a “system context viewpoint” that documents the system’s interactions with its environment Expands the discussion of architectural principles, showing how they can be used to provide traceability and rationale for architectural decisions Explains how agile development and architecture can work together Positions requirements and architecture activities in the project context Presents a new lightweight method for architectural validation Whether you are an aspiring or practicing software architect, you will find yourself referring repeatedly to the practical advice in this book throughout the lifecycle of your projects. A supporting Web site containing further information can be found at
Preis: 34.23 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Software Engineering
Die 10. Auflage des Klassikers „Software Engineering“ von Ian Sommerville wurde aktualisiert und um neue Inhalte erweitert, wie z.B. die fortschreitende Einbindung von Methoden der agilen Softwareentwicklung, Resilienz-Engineering, Systems-Engineering, Systeme von Systemen und vieles mehr. Das Buch gibt im ersten Teil eine grundlegende Einführung in den Komplex Software-Engineering. Der zweite Teil widmet sich der Entwicklung verlässlicher, sicherer Systeme. Unter anderem werden hier auch Cybersicherheit und resiliente Systeme besprochen. Der dritte Teil enthält ein breites Spektrum an Themen, die heutzutage für das Software-Engineering eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Die Inhalte reichen von der Wiederverwendung, komponenten- und serviceorientierte Entwicklung über Systeme von Systemen bis hin zum Echtzeit-Software-Engineering. Der vierte Teil ist dem Projekt- und Konfigurationsmanagement gewidmet. Hier spielt sowohl die Planung als auch die Qualitätssicherung von Softwareprozessen eine bedeutende Rolle. Das Buch richtet sich primär an Studierende der Informationstechnik, die Einführungs- und Fortgeschrittenenkurse in Software- und Systems-Engineering besuchen. Alle Inhalte werden anhand von vier Beispielprojekten unter Verwendung von UML und der Programmiersprache Java ausführlich erläutert. Zu jedem Kapitel gibt es Lernziele, Weblinks, Übungsaufgaben und Literaturempfehlungen, die das Selbststudium unterstützen. Professionellen Softwareingenieuren/Softwareingenieurinnen dient das Buch als Nachschlagewerk, mit dessen Hilfe sie ihr Wissen auf den aktuellen Stand bringen können. - Grundlagen des Software-Engineerings - Softwareprozesse und Vorgehensmodelle - Agile Softwareentwicklung - Anforderungsanalyse und -definition - Systemmodellierung und -implementierung - Testen, Integration, Betrieb und Weiterentwicklung- Software-Engineering für verlässliche, sichere Systeme- Verfügbarkeit, Zuverlässigkeit, Betriebs- und Informationssicherheit - Resilienz-Engineering - Wiederverwendung von Software - Komponentenbasierte Entwicklung - Entwicklung verteilter Systeme - Servicebasierte Entwicklung - Systems-Engineering - Systeme von Systemen - Echtzeit-Software-Engineering - Projektmanagement - Projektplanung- Qualitätssicherung - Konfigurationsmanagement
Preis: 59.95 € | Versand*: 0 €
Wie kann sichergestellt werden, dass Produkte stets von high-quality sind?
Durch regelmäßige Qualitätskontrollen während des Herstellungsprozesses. Durch Schulungen und Trainings für Mitarbeiter, um sicherzustellen, dass sie die richtigen Standards einhalten. Durch die Verwendung hochwertiger Materialien und Technologien.
Was sind die wichtigsten Faktoren, die den Quality Score einer Webseite beeinflussen können?
Die wichtigsten Faktoren, die den Quality Score einer Webseite beeinflussen können, sind relevanter und qualitativ hochwertiger Inhalt, eine benutzerfreundliche Website-Struktur und schnelle Ladezeiten. Zudem spielen auch die mobile Optimierung, die Vertrauenswürdigkeit der Seite und die Anzahl an eingehenden Links eine wichtige Rolle für den Quality Score. Eine gute Nutzererfahrung, niedrige Absprungraten und hohe Klickraten können ebenfalls positiv zur Bewertung der Webseite beitragen.
"Where can I find high-quality event images for my company's marketing materials?"
You can find high-quality event images on stock photo websites like Shutterstock or Adobe Stock. Alternatively, you can hire a professional photographer to capture images specifically for your company's marketing materials. Make sure to obtain the necessary licenses or permissions for any images you use to avoid copyright infringement.
Wie werden Wettervorhersagen im Will-Future oder Going-to-Future gemacht?
Im Will-Future wird die Wettervorhersage aufgrund von Beobachtungen und Prognosen gemacht. Man verwendet dabei Modalverben wie "will" oder "shall", um zukünftige Wetterbedingungen vorherzusagen. Im Going-to-Future hingegen werden Wettervorhersagen aufgrund von aktuellen Anzeichen oder bereits sichtbaren Entwicklungen gemacht. Man verwendet dabei die Form "be going to" zusammen mit dem Infinitiv des Verbs.
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Software-Quality-Future-Perspectives:
Quality Code: Software Testing Principles, Practices, and Patterns
Test-driven, test-first, and test-early development practices are helping thousands of software development organizations improve their software. Now, in Quality Code: Software Testing Principles, Practices, and Patterns, Stephen Vance builds on all that’s been learned about test-driven development, helping you achieve unprecedented levels of first-time quality. Using real-world code examples, this guide introduces patterns, principles, and more than two dozen detailed techniques for testing any software system more fully, effectively, and painlessly. Vance presents a conceptual framework to help you focus your efforts and design recommendations for improving testability across the software lifecycle, and also provides hands-on guidance to simplify testing of the full spectrum of code constructs. You’ll learn how to choose the best testing techniques for every situation, from the most common scenarios to threading. Two complete case studies put it all together, walking you through testing a brand-new Java application and an untested “legacy” JavaScript jQuery plugin. Whether you’re developing cutting-edge code for a new start-up, or maintaining an unruly old system, this guide will help you deliver exactly what you need: quality code. • Simplify unit testing of all your code—and improve integration and system testing • Delineate intent and implementation to promote more reliable and scalable testing • Overcome confusion and misunderstandings about the mechanics of writing tests • Test “side effects,” behavioral characteristics, and contextual constraints • Understand subtle interactions between design and testability—and make them work for, not against, you • Discover core principles that guide your key testing decisions • Explore testing getters/setters, string handling, encapsulation, override variations, visibility, singleton patterns, error conditions, and more • Reproduce and test complex race conditions deterministically
Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Continuous Integration: Improving Software Quality and Reducing Risk
For any software developer who has spent days in “integration hell,” cobbling together myriad software components, Continuous Integration: Improving Software Quality and Reducing Risk illustrates how to transform integration from a necessary evil into an everyday part of the development process. The key, as the authors show, is to integrate regularly and often using continuous integration (CI) practices and techniques. The authors first examine the concept of CI and its practices from the ground up and then move on to explore other effective processes performed by CI systems, such as database integration, testing, inspection, deployment, and feedback. Through more than forty CI-related practices using application examples in different languages, readers learn that CI leads to more rapid software development, produces deployable software at every step in the development lifecycle, and reduces the time between defect introduction and detection, saving time and lowering costs. With successful implementation of CI, developers reduce risks and repetitive manual processes, and teams receive better project visibility. The book covers How to make integration a “non-event” on your software development projects How to reduce the amount of repetitive processes you perform when building your software Practices and techniques for using CI effectively with your teams Reducing the risks of late defect discovery, low-quality software, lack of visibility, and lack of deployable software Assessments of different CI servers and related tools on the market The book’s companion Web site,, provides updates and code examples.
Preis: 36.37 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Developer Testing: Building Quality into Software
How do successful agile teams deliver bug-free, maintainable software—iteration after iteration? The answer is: By seamlessly combining development and testing. On such teams, the developers write testable code that enables them to verify it using various types of automated tests. This approach keeps regressions at bay and prevents “testing crunches”—which otherwise may occur near the end of an iteration—from ever happening. Writing testable code, however, is often difficult, because it requires knowledge and skills that cut across multiple disciplines. In Developer Testing, leading test expert and mentor Alexander Tarlinder presents concise, focused guidance for making new and legacy code far more testable. Tarlinder helps you answer questions like: When have I tested this enough? How many tests do I need to write? What should my tests verify? You’ll learn how to design for testability and utilize techniques like refactoring, dependency breaking, unit testing, data-driven testing, and test-driven development to achieve the highest possible confidence in your software. Through practical examples in Java, C#, Groovy, and Ruby, you’ll discover what works—and what doesn’t. You can quickly begin using Tarlinder’s technology-agnostic insights with most languages and toolsets while not getting buried in specialist details. The author helps you adapt your current programming style for testability, make a testing mindset “second nature,” improve your code, and enrich your day-to-day experience as a software professional. With this guide, you will Understand the discipline and vocabulary of testing from the developer’s standpointBase developer tests on well-established testing techniques and best practicesRecognize code constructs that impact testabilityEffectively name, organize, and execute unit testsMaster the essentials of classic and “mockist-style” TDDLeverage test doubles with or without mocking frameworksCapture the benefits of programming by contract, even without runtime support for contractsTake control of dependencies between classes, components, layers, and tiersHandle combinatorial explosions of test cases, or scenarios requiring many similar testsManage code duplication when it can’t be eliminatedActively maintain and improve your test suitesPerform more advanced tests at the integration, system, and end-to-end levelsDevelop an understanding for how the organizational context influences quality assuranceEstablish well-balanced and effective testing strategies suitable for agile teams
Preis: 24.6 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Economics of Software Quality, Portable Documents, The
“Whether consulting, working on projects, or teaching, whenever I need credible, detailed, relevant metrics and insights into the current capabilities and performance of the software engineering profession, I always turn first to Capers Jones’ work. In this important new book, he and Olivier Bonsignour make the hard-headed, bottom-line, economic case, with facts and data, about why software quality is so important. I know I’ll turn to this excellent reference again and again.” —Rex Black, President, RBCS Poor quality continues to bedevil large-scale development projects, but few software leaders and practitioners know how to measure quality, select quality best practices, or cost-justify their usage. In The Economics of Software Quality, leading software quality experts Capers Jones and Olivier Bonsignour show how to systematically measure the economic impact of quality and how to use this information to deliver far more business value. Using empirical data from hundreds of software organizations, Jones and Bonsignour show how integrated inspection, structural quality measurement, static analysis, and testing can achieve defect removal rates exceeding 95 percent. They offer innovative guidance for predicting and measuring defects and quality; choosing defect prevention, pre-test defect removal, and testing methods; and optimizing post-release defect reporting and repair. This book will help you Move beyond functional quality to quantify non-functional and structural quality Prove that improved software quality translates into strongly positive ROI and greatly reduced TCO Drive better results from current investments in Quality Assurance and Testing Use quality improvement techniques to stay on schedule and on budget Avoid “hazardous” metrics that lead to poor decisions
Preis: 48.14 € | Versand*: 0 €
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Going To Future und will future?
Der Unterschied zwischen Going To Future und will future liegt hauptsächlich in der Verwendung und der Art der Zukunftsprognose. Das Going To Future wird verwendet, um bereits geplante oder wahrscheinliche Handlungen in der Zukunft auszudrücken, während das will future spontane Entscheidungen oder Vorhersagen beschreibt. Going To Future wird oft verwendet, wenn es klare Anzeichen oder Beweise für zukünftige Ereignisse gibt, während will future eher auf persönlichen Vorlieben oder Vermutungen basiert. In der Grammatik werden beide Formen mit dem Infinitiv des Verbs gebildet, gefolgt von 'to' bei will future und ohne 'to' bei Going To Future.
Was sind die Signalwörter für das "going to future" und das "will future"?
Die Signalwörter für das "going to future" sind unter anderem "going to", "gonna" und "will". Die Signalwörter für das "will future" sind "will", "shall" und "going to".
Was ist ein Future Index?
Was ist ein Future Index? Ein Future Index ist ein Finanzinstrument, das es Anlegern ermöglicht, auf die zukünftige Entwicklung eines Index zu spekulieren, ohne den Index selbst kaufen zu müssen. Dabei wird eine Vereinbarung getroffen, zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt den Index zu einem vorher festgelegten Preis zu kaufen oder zu verkaufen. Future Indizes werden an Terminbörsen gehandelt und dienen oft als Absicherungsinstrumente gegen Marktrisiken. Sie ermöglichen es Anlegern, von der Entwicklung des Gesamtmarktes zu profitieren, ohne einzelne Aktien kaufen zu müssen.
Was ist Captain Future 2?
Captain Future 2 ist ein Science-Fiction-Roman, der von Edmond Hamilton geschrieben wurde. Es ist die Fortsetzung der Abenteuer des futuristischen Helden Captain Future, der mit seiner Crew das Universum vor bösen Mächten beschützt. In diesem Buch erlebt Captain Future neue spannende Abenteuer und muss erneut seine Fähigkeiten und Intelligenz unter Beweis stellen, um das Böse zu besiegen. Die Geschichten von Captain Future sind bekannt für ihre actiongeladenen Handlungen, futuristischen Technologien und faszinierenden Welten.
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